
ABOUT In golf, a loss of mobility and function often means a loss of power, but you don’t need expensive gym equipment to improve how you move. With Jennifer Fleischer’s series “Better Than Yoga,” you can create a more powerful, more consistent swing with only a yoga mat and a golf club. Fleischer’s innovative workouts
As a golf instructor, I’m supposed to tell you that going for the green by hitting a middle-iron shot over tall trees is too risky. It’s better to punch out and play for a one-putt par. But part of the allure of playing golf is trying the tough shots, so I’m shelving the prudent rhetoric
We are in Day … actually I forgot what day this is . . . of quarantine, and amid larger and more consequential concerns, you may be confronted with a litany of smaller ones—how to work at home with small kids; what movies to watch at night, that sort of thing. To that second less-vital
ABOUT Watching a tour player hit balls on the practice tee is a mesmerizing experience: the crisp sound of impact, the explosiveness, the tight draws and power fades, one after another. But there’s a level-up experience that makes even tour pros stop and watch: When Tiger Woods shows up. Now you can see for yourself
Swinging harder is the typical instinct in the quest for more distance, but the quality of impact can have an even bigger effect. Travis Fulton says the key is striking the driver level or just on the upswing: Play the ball forward, tilt your spine slightly away from the target, and point your chest behind
ABOUT Prepare your body for the demands of the golf season with a top-notch fitness routine. This workout series from Golf Digest 50 Best Golf-Fitness Trainer Kaitlyn Pimentel will teach you how to prime your golf muscles to swing with power and efficiency. Just follow along, do what Kaitlyn does in the videos, and you’re
To stay in control throughout the golf swing, you need a strong core. Trainer Kaitlyn Pimentel demonstrates this Bird Dog exercise to strengthen the muscles around your mid-section for better stability. Starting on all fours, extend one arm forward and the opposite leg backward, then return to the start. Do 6-8 reps on each side,
The way you grip the club either promotes or prevents good mechanics during the swing. Teacher Travis Fulton recommends the following procedure for taking your grip: Place your lead hand on the club with the thumb slightly right of center on the grip (for right-handers); then, add your trail hand, covering the lead thumb with
Here’s a great exercise from our fitness expert Kaitlyn Pimentel to train a more powerful leg drive through the ball. From a wide stance and with your hands behind your head, practice sitting down slowly on a bench or chair, then pushing up through your heels. Do several reps. This simple Body-Weight Squat is a
The short game seems to require its own skill set, but the chip shot is actually a miniature version of the full swing. So working on your chipping is a perfect way to start up again. Here, Travis Fulton shares his chipping keys, like favoring the front foot, setting the shoulders level, and turning the